Directions to LSU Libraries

General Directions to LSU

How to get to LSU in Baton Rouge --> Map of Interstate exits and roads onto campus.

  • Exit I-10 at Dalrymple Drive, follow Dalrymple directly onto the campus. 
  • Exit I-10 at Acadian Thruway, follow Acadian as it changes name to Stanford, then turn right on Morning Glory and it leads you onto the campus.
  • Coming from the west, it is also possible to exit I-10 on Nicholson Drive.
  • Once on campus follow this MAP, the LSU Library is the highlighted building shaded in purple. Here is a larger version of the same map.
  • There are metered parking spots in front of the Memorial Clock Tower and in the Visitor's Center parking lot.

Parking once you get to LSU:

  • For University parking information, visitors parking permits, and a free map of the campus, stop by the Visitor's Center, on the corner of Highland and Dalrymple.