Manuscript Resources on The History of Education
This guide describes collections documenting the history of education in the Louisiana and Lower Mississippi Valley Collections (LLMVC) at LSU. It includes the papers of education officials; college deans; university presidents; professors; principals; teachers; and students. It also contains some records of defunct universities, colleges, and schools. There are a number of collections containing records of teachers' associations and student clubs and organizations.
Records of Louisiana State University, which are part of the LSU University Archives, and the papers of LSU faculty, students, and alumni, are not described in this guide unless they also relate to education apart from LSU. A separate guide to the papers of LSU faculty, students, and alumni is forthcoming. Many University Archives records are described in the University Archives section of the Special Collections web site.
The guide contains school notebooks of elementary and university students; term papers and theses; diplomas; and materials on medical and legal education. There is also information about public, private, and parochial schools; higher education; and school integration. Most of the collections are from Louisiana, but there are also materials from other parts of the Lower Mississippi Valley.
Anderson, William H. Letter, 1845 July 19. 1 letter. Location: Misc.:A. William H. Anderson in New Hope, an extinct town in Dallas County, Ala., writes Jesse W. Norris of Pickens Court House, Ala., telling how he had just traveled to several schools for young women in southern Alabama conducting examinations and attending school conventions. He also speculates on his undecided future plans. Mss. 3964. |
Anonymous Civil War letter, 1863. 1 item. Location: Misc:A Letter from a teacher in North Carolina to his parents in Richmond, Virginia, telling of his work as a mechanic in order to avoid the Confederate conscript law. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 1452. |
Anonymous commercial journal, 1836 July-August. 1 volume. Location: M:18. Journal belonging to a son of a New Orleans, Louisiana commission merchant, probably a schoolboy. Day-to-day entries made while he was working in his father's firm describe business transactions, office duties, and bank affairs; and record personal observations, descriptions of merchandise, and a few local incidents. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 2168. |
Anonymous French language notebook, circa 1850. 1 volume. Location: C:45. Notebook containing French grammar notes and catechism questions. In French. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 893. |
Anonymous geometry notebook, circa 1850. 1 volume. Location: C:45. Notebook containing geometric problems and definitions. In French. For further information, see online Mss. 552. |